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Dalarna University on iTunes U
Wherever you are…

With iTunes you can organize, share and listen to your favorite music. Now, you can also add educational recordings from Dalarna University to your iTunes library. From there, you'll be able to create custom playlists, sync to your iPod, burn CDs, or even share your Dalarna University-related content with others on your network.

Get started with iTunes U:
1. Go to www.apple.com/itunes/ and download iTunes for either Macintosh or Windows.
2. Click on “Download Now” and then follow the provided instructions.
3. Restart your computer.
4. Go directly to Dalarna University on iTunes U (http://itunes.du.se) or select 'iTunes U' within the iTunes Store and then search for Dalarna University.

Here are some helpful tips:

The Search box in the top right hand corner of the iTunes window will search the entire iTunes Store, including content from Dalarna University.

To navigate in the iTunes store, use the arrows in the upper left corner.

In the left menu, you will find every track you download from Dalarna University.

For more help using iTunes, please visit the iTunes tips page available from Apple.


Visit Dalarna University on iTunes U

Please note that for the link to work, iTunes needs to be installad on your computer